
Lighting Designer What does ARCHITECT provide?

Light is a powerful tool that connects us to life from the day we opened our eyes. It is holistic with every surface it reflects on, a great guide that also affects our quality of life by activating our feelings and perceptions in our subconscious... Is it possible to leave lighting design to change if we are aware of the power of light in our lives?

Although the task of the architect is said to be roughly like designing buildings, he/she aims to foresee living spaces for societies. Many information, techniques, and parameters lie under these predictions and guide the design with them. Especially in the last 30 years, parallel to the development of technology, the emergence of new materials day by day, and rapidly changing human needs and habits have brought new dimensions to architectural design and approaches. An architect can't follow all these systems in detail and specialize in every subject, and it is not possible to expect him/her to design projects that are out of date, and that cannot meet current or even future conditions. Collaborating with experts in the field to create an ideal space allows the architect to produce more professional works that are examined in every aspect. For example, although the architect knows the importance of acoustics in an opera house since he/she does not have special standards and technical sound knowledge, he/she should get help from a professional who is an expert in the subject. This joint work will undoubtedly lead to effective results that will add value to architecture and investment in the context of space, function, people, and time. For this reason, it would be unfair to expect Lighting Design in projects from an architect who is on the task of considering thousands of parameters together. Lighting Design should be done by professionals who can read architecture and its spirit, have field-specific technical expertise and experience, and, in our opinion, “do not have any sales or commercial profit concerns”.

If architecture is a body, light is its soul and it is what gives meaning to the surfaces we can see with our eyes by adding its spirit to the space. As Lighting Designers, we define our job as “designing the perceptual experience of people in a space or space with light in a certain period” and we think that it is an important element that can enrich the concept of architecture even more.

A Lighting Designer, who is included in the design team during the formation phase of the project, provides many long-term contributions to the architectural team from the project design process to the end.

He/she provides healthy process management with the cooperation of the architect's project, which he designed with great thought and devotion, as a specialist in the business, who can speak the same language as him, and who knows technical standards and requirements that are renewed day by day.

Having someone to complete, describe and design the atmosphere he wants to create in the space set up, perhaps, reduces the workload expected by him.

Examining all the details from the city scale to the human scale and presenting the most ideal solutions with alternatives reduces the work items on which the architect needs to research deeply. Thus, by focusing on the design and project integrity, the architect begins to find the opportunity to evaluate the parameters that will add value to his project more easily.

An architect with whom he is in constant contact with the team helps the project to be resolved faster and healthier by providing detailed information in his field of expertise during the design phase.

It contributes to the formation of realistic, functional, aesthetic, and sustainable spaces with its solution suggestions for architectural details. It enables the spaces to be enriched by deepening senses with light.

Efficiency, environmental compatibility, and construction technical analysis help to find the right solution for its customers among countless alternatives.

It adds value to the building in the formation of the building's identity and brand image.

The only aim of the Lighting Designer, who designs the light by developing a concept parallel to the architectural design, without any profit or product sales concerns, the techniques necessary to illuminate an architectural space in a useful and sensitive way, is to design the right light for those users at the right place, at the right time.

Working as a designer within the creative team and being involved in the project from the design stage of the project, he produces correct and on-site solutions for the architect and other related teams with whom he is in constant contact. Lighting design, which contains many parameters, has become a business item that is too valuable to be left to chance.

With the inclusion of the Lighting Designer in the project, the Architect will be the person responsible for the project, from the lighting design process of the project to the correct direction of the lighting design process of the project, to the real expectations of the user and the customer, and the result that will come at the end of the service he provides.

Because the Lighting Designer is the person who carries out this responsibility as a profession.