This month, we are hosting Ozan Bayık, Serhan Bayık, and Okan Bayık, the founders of OSO Architecture Design in our “Dialogue” interviews on Lighting Design with our guests from different disciplines of the industry.
Since 2007, we talked with the founders of OSO Architecture, which has been providing design, consultancy, project development and management, application, control and contracting services by bringing together 3 disciplines that are very related to each other - architecture, interior architecture and civil engineering - on lighting design.
1. How does light affect your lifestyle in your life, work, or home?
“Architecture is the masterful, correct and magnificent play of the masses brought together under the light.” der Le Corbusier. This sentence is one of the important words that shape our perspective in our profession. It clearly explains that light is an integral part of space design. In our opinion, light is a very important factor that shapes the perception of space and the emotions and feelings that spaces make us feel. For this reason, it directly affects our mood and psychology (as most of us are perhaps not aware of at all). For example, when we are in an environment where white light is used - I can easily admit - it is as if negative energy is somehow loaded onto us in that place and our psychology changes. In this interaction, besides the light color, direct or indirect use of light, illuminance level etc. There are many factors such as As a result of the conscious and skillful use of each of these factors, it is quite possible that you will get amazing positive results - in a way that cannot be predicted.
2. Which of the following is included in your Lighting Design project/investment? Why?
• Science
• Technical
• Art
Most sources already use these 3 concepts when describing the profession of architecture. Architecture is the blending of science, technique and art… In addition to this, as we have just mentioned, if there is light, there is space, otherwise it is nothing. Therefore, light and lighting, which are the most important components of space design, are the whole of these concepts and cannot be considered or evaluated independently.
3. Do you think Architectural Lighting Design can add value to the project?
We had an office visit 4-5 years ago. The place was really well designed. However, the working personnel had covered the lighting fixtures on them with cardboard. There was misdirection and glare effect due to wrong design. No matter how well designed the ambiance of the space is, improperly used light source causes various health problems, fatigue and anxiety. In other words, the right lighting design creates a healthy environment first and then architectural value.
4. What do you think the process of working with the Lighting Designer contributed to you as an investor/manager?
For us, the subject of lighting is an important design component that is shaped by the design of the space. Therefore, we use this consultancy service mostly on technical issues. In this way, we blend aesthetics and technical data in harmony. Then, both architectural and economic added value comes by itself.