This month, we are hosting architect Hüray Erk, one of the founding partners of Metex Studio Erk in our “Dialogue” interviews on Lighting Design with our guests from different disciplines of the industry.
We talked about lighting design with Hüray Erk, one of the founders of Metex Studio Erk, which stands out with its holistic approach that offers architectural and interior design services together in the light of more than 20 years of knowledge and experience, as well as carrying out many projects by continuing its activities since 2016.
1. How does light affect your lifestyle in your life, work or home?
I believe that natural and artificial light sources affect our quality of life positively depending on the way they are used. Considering that the biological rhythm of human nature is in direct interaction with the light source, we can say that it is also very important for our performance quality. For this reason, we position our living spaces according to the light, especially in our home and office.
For me, natural or artificial light sources directly affect my motivation during the day. In cases where I feel inadequate natural light, I try to meet this need with technical and or decorative lighting sources. That's why I think that correctly selected and correctly positioned light sources are very important, and I respect those who treat lighting design as a profession and perform it duly.
2. Which of the following is included in your Lighting Design project/investment? Why?
• Science
• Technical
• Art
All of the above. Because a correctly made lighting design is an artistic touch that adds value beyond providing the correct perception of a work, a building or an interior project. If you need technical knowledge to realize and perform this artistic touch. And technical knowledge, of course, has entered our lives thanks to science. Mankind has invented natural light by trying to imitate it with some experiments or methods, and this has been done by people dealing with science.
3. Do you think Architectural Lighting Design can add value to the project?
It directly affects the quality of perception in the aesthetic sense. With lighting design, you can turn your project or its components into the hero of a story. With a lighting composition prepared specifically for the project, we perceive it as a dynamic, living character.
4. What do you think the process of working with the Lighting Designer contributed to you as an investor/manager?
The lighting designer adds positive value to our architectural or interior architectural projects that we have prepared. For this reason, we always emphasize to our employers that we want to work with a lighting designer in our projects. For us, lighting design is a separate discipline that includes technical knowledge, evaluates aesthetic concerns in the light of science and technical knowledge and produces the right solutions.