Our guest this month in our "Dialogue" interviews, where we hosted our stakeholders from different professions in the sector and chatted about Lighting Design, is Memorial Health Investments Project Management Group Manager, Master Architect Fulden BARAN TOZ...
Based on human and health needs, ensuring that it meets with the architectural structure, taking an active role from the management of construction projects to the process, and adding value to the Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital project, which also has LEED PLATIN certificate, with the decisions it has taken and the tasks it has undertaken, and supporting architecture with health investments, Memorial Health Investments Project Management Group Manager, Master Architect Fulden BARAN TOZ, we talked about lighting design...
1. How does light affect your lifestyle in your life, work, or home?
F.Toz: I think that natural or artificial light affects our body and mood, and regulates our natural biorhythm, or in other words, our body clock. With the effect of light on colors, we can feel tenser, calmer or more peaceful. The contribution of functional light to the processes is very clear, especially in healthcare structures.
2. Which of the following is included in your Lighting Design project/investment? Why?
• Science
• Technical
• Art
F.Toz: It is all, it is art as a part of design, it requires a lot of technical knowledge while bringing the design to life. It should be implemented based on scientific foundations.
3. Do you think Architectural Lighting Design can add value to the project?
F.Toz: It adds value. This has several dimensions, when we consider a healthy structure, functional lighting offers comfort of use. The lighting in the reading, sleeping, and examination modes in a patient room and the fact that it is under user control are one of the factors that increase patient satisfaction. In addition to this comfort, it will save energy in terms of operating costs. Lighting, which is a part of the design integrated with the architecture, makes the message to be given with the architecture more understandable.
4. What do you think the process of working with the Lighting Designer contributed to you as an investor/manager?
F.Toz: Designing the right light in the appropriate place is a matter of expertise, and the involvement of a lighting designer in the project in making the final product you want useful relieved the teams in terms of architecture and interior architecture, and contributed to the project budget by balancing the initial investment cost as the investor and the project manager with the cost of use.