We continue the series of interviews on Lighting Design with our guests from different disciplines of the industry. This month we have invited the founding partners of Girift Interior Architecture, Interior Architect Emrah Halimoglu and Selin Sozer Halimoglu.
Girift Interior Architecture offers design solutions where functionality, construction and esthetics goes hand in hand.
1. How does light affect your lifestyle, at work and at home?
Light is part of the biological rhythm. We start the day with it. The amount of use varies according to our mood or need. It is directly related to the human spirit.
2. Which of the following is included in your Lighting Design project/investment? Why?
• Scientific knowledge
• Technical solutions
• Esthetics
A successful project origins at the intersection between, scientific knowledge, technical solutions and esthetics.
In addition to technically correct lighting of each project, the use of shadows and dramatic elements form the artistic part of the work. From this point of view, cinema and light fictions, which are one of our sources of inspiration in projects, can be a very good example of what we want to express. With the right light technique, the desired psychological effect can be easily created for the user.
3. Do you think Architectural Lighting Design can add value to the project?
It definitely adds value. Light is one of the most powerful instruments that emphasizes and completes the story of the project. A good project consists of the sum of the right parameters. The story, the concept, the material, the colour, the light and the shadow must be in harmony like an orchestra, but must also include contrasts.
4. What do you think the process of working with the Lighting Designer contributed to you as an investor/manager?
The collaboration of experts from different disciplines in the projects enriches the ideas and carries the project to a higherlevel and quality.