
She is Strategic Partner of Saltans Architects International which is an architecture, decoration and urban planning firm that has signed many award-winning projects in Chicago, Hong Kong, Beijing and Istanbul offices, especially in high mixed-use buildings, hotels, offices, residential structures and large-scale master plan designs.

We talked to Architect Dilek Hocaoğlu, who is an expert in design, implementation and investment management in projects in different categories in America, Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Hong Kong, China, and Libya, and with more than 30 years of experience in the profession, the company's Strategic Partner, Architect Dilek Hocaoğlu.


1. How does light affect your lifestyle in your life, work, or home?

Light, like many other elements, has the power to trigger our emotions and affect our moods. Harmonizing our circadian rhythm with sunlight, using artificial light correctly at night at work or home, and balancing our light-dark perception allows us to live at the highest level, both physically and mentally-cognitively. I also try to adapt to the presence and absence of light in the most correct way in both my work and home life.

2. Which of the following is included in your Lighting Design project/investment? Why?

•        Science

•        Technical

•        Art

Since lighting design affects our perception and emotions, it concerns the mind and psychology, therefore it is scientific. Accurate results are obtained if it is done by calculating what power and color lighting will be applied, so it is a technical issue. It is also artistic because it is an integral part of architecture and directly affects aesthetics.

3. Do you think Architectural Lighting Design can add value to the project? 

The correct use of daylight and artificial light together in Architectural Lighting Design is one of the important factors affecting the value of the project. The contribution of light can be felt in the best way of feeling the architectural design, increasing the awareness of the project investor and the satisfaction of the end user.

In addition, with the healing power of design, colors, and light, which emerged as Evidence-Based Design became widespread in the world, Lighting Designers worked with doctors, nurses, and technical experts in healthcare projects, especially Hospitals and Elderly Care Centers, work on designs that improve people, together with all teams. it concentrates. Now, there is talk about implementing the techniques in which the specially designed light, which is directly exposed, is used in physical ailments and skin rejuvenation, in the projects.

4. What do you think the process of working with the Lighting Designer contributed to you as an investor/manager?

There was a bust used by our teacher in the lighting lesson during his university years, and the facial expressions changed depending on which direction, temperature, and intensity the light came from.

Since that experience, which was very surprising to us at the time, I have had the chance to work with many Lighting Designers in different formations, either as an architectural designer or as an investor representative, who transform this technique and art from paper to reality.

My positive experiences with these teams made me prefer to work with Architectural Lighting Designers at the beginning of the job to ensure constantly developing technology, sustainable lighting designs, and customer satisfaction at every step.