We are establishing our dialogue this month with the founding partner of Atölye A Mimarlık, Architect Ayhan Geveli in our “Dialogue” interviews, where we host our industry stakeholders and chat about Lighting Design.
We talked to Architect Ayhan Geveli about lighting design, who creates different identities and firsts with his architectural style in every project he has signed at home and abroad.
1. How does light affect your lifestyle in your life, work, or home?
Everything we can see and perceive is possible with the presence of light. If there is no light in the world, there is no life, and one of the conditions of existence is light, which explains the necessity of light.
Of course, we cannot imagine a life without light. At home, at work and in our lives, we unconsciously arrange everything according to the light. We position the position of our bed, the seating arrangement in our living room, our desk and the position of our environment according to the light. We often do this unconsciously, with our natural reflexes.
The more we care about and correct this situation, the more efficient our life becomes. Light positions that are not applied correctly affect human lives negatively.
Light consists of two phases, natural and producible. It is useful to consider both for the same space.
Light in my life is the most important source of motivation for life. I cannot imagine a life without light. Light is one of the reasons why I feel good.
2. Which of the following is included in your Lighting Design project/investment? Why?
• Science
• Technical
• Art
It is indispensable for my Lighting Design projects. First of all, the design of this light is necessary to see, understand, and correctly perceive the elements such as the places, objects, facilities, businesses, and living spaces that we have implemented, this is a must. However, this lighting work will be differentiated according to its subject in terms of quality and quantity.
In some projects, lighting should be handled scientifically. There may be areas where this is essential to serve the purpose.
Technical lighting also needs to be handled professionally, first of all. The technical issue is essential for healthy lighting. With the right solution, the Lighting Project will provide efficiency and economy to the investor.
If lighting is used correctly, it can be transformed into art or can illuminate the art and add value to its value.
3. Do you think Architectural Lighting Design can add value to the project?
Lighting design is a discipline that will add value to architectural projects. These works, which were perceived as a luxury until recently, are now indispensable for the project. A properly executed lighting design project; It is a fact that it will add value to the area, city, and country where it is located.
4. What do you think the process of working with the Lighting Designer contributed to you as an investor/manager?
In the projects we work with a lighting designer, it is a comfort for me to have worked with a discipline that has a command of the subject. Besides, I think that the responsibility and expert nature of the project in that field is very valuable in terms of its contribution to the project.
If I give an example from my project work. We mainly work on the projects of tourism investors. In these works of ours, technical lighting, decorative lighting (artistic lighting), and scientific lighting are the areas where each is used separately. I know that a lighting designer, who takes part in the project with his/her expertise, will carry our projects to the class of more qualified and target-oriented projects. The investor/employer is also happier with this result.