ATMK Lighting Training Seminar 2022
The Lighting Training Seminar, the first of which was held by ATMK in 2014, is held this year under the name ATMK LIGHTING SEMINAR 2022-1, on the online platform between March 15 - March 28, 2022 due to the pandemic. In the eleventh seminar, which was held to inform the lighting sector employees and those interested in the sector, with Nergiz Arifoğlu among the trainers, a detailed course program is presented by academicians and sector experts who are experts in their fields.
ATMK, which brings together academicians, manufacturers, designers and practitioners working in the lighting discipline and taking part in the sector, announced that the planned date for ATMK LIGHTING SEMINAR 2022-2, the second round of the event, which attracted great attention, is 24 May – 6 June 2022.
For information about the seminar and to apply, you can visit www.atmk.org.tr.